
鲸腊异丙酯(cetyl myristate)

产品编号: P0099926 CAS号:
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由内至外增进关节健康,列入美国临床医生手册(PDR, Physician’s Desk Reference)。每一百万人之中有十个人饱受关节问题、僵硬及痛楚的折磨。关节健康是维持整体健全最主要的元素。除此之外,当你步行时所承受的痛苦会使你很难感受得到健康的存在。保持你的关节强壮、坚硬及灵活是人们去追求完满生活的首要条件。当关节 - 由许多结缔组织组成 - 受到天然及有效的支援,其改变会令人惊讶!关节宝支援关节健康,含有鲸腊异丙酯 (cetyl myristate), cetyl myristoleate,及其他鲸腊酯 (cetyl esters) 的独特成份组合,能有助润滑关节、增加关节活动能力及鼓励你享受更活跃的生活方式。近年来有关支援关节健康的天然成份的研究已受研究员及科学家密切留意。
· 此配方经医学临床实验证明
· 有助维持正常的关节功能及活动能力
· 适合遭受关节不适及有关问题所困扰的人士使用
· 含有天然成份鲸腊异丙酯(cetyl myristate)及cetyl myristoleate,有助身体产生关节间的液体
· 有助减低发炎现象及恢复活动能力
    成    份∶ 关节宝独特专利组合 (鲸腊异丙酯、Cetyl Myristoleate、鲸腊酯)、黄豆卵磷脂、明胶、甘油、鱼油及天然色素。

我公司供应 鲸腊异丙酯(cetyl myristate)  25kg/桶


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联系:01056205725;01053573251;013911873657 郑威 Email: waley188@sohu.com

What is Cetyl Myristoleate?

Cetyl Myristoleate is an ester of fatty acid. Fatty acids are the individual components of oils in the same way that amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linotenic acid and linolelic acid, are crucial to life and are called essential fatty acids (EFAs). Research shows that cetyl myristoleate appears to have the same beneficial characteristics as the EFAs, however, it is stronger and the benefits are longer lasting.
EFAs are essential to normal cell structure, physiological processes, body function, and function as components to nerve cells and cell membranes. EFAs are depleted in chronic inflammatory diseases and their deficiency are associated with many autoimmune diseases. EFAs when used over an extended period of time have been shown to decrease pain, inflammation, and motion limitations of arthritis. Cetyl myristoleate offers the same benefits in about a month instead of extended periods of time..., which may be years.

If we take a fatty acid, myristoleic acid, and combine it with a long-chain alcohol molecule, cetyl alcohol, we have created an ester of this fatty acid called cetyl myristoleate. Both of these molecules occur in nature. Cetyl alcohol was first derived from the oil of the sperm whale, but now is obtained from palmitic acid (a saturated fatty acid) found in coconut and palm oils. Myristoleic acid is found in the oil glands of beavers, the oil of the sperm whale again, in certain vegetables and nuts. Both of these products were used in the cosmetic industry because of their ability to act as lubricants. One of the mechanisms of cetyl myristoleate is as a super lubricant (surfactant), a kind of WD-40 for the joints. A surfactant not only has a dissolving or thinning action, it also makes other products easier to absorb.

Concerning the treatment for arthritis, how can one product address all of the causes of this complex disease?

Cetyl myristoleate seems to function in three very different capacities.

Firstly, as mentioned above, it serves as a surfactant and not only lubricates the involved joints, but also lubricates the entire body, making muscles glide more smoothly over other muscles, bursas, and bones and at the same time softens these tissues making them more pliable.  Secondly, it functions as an immune system modulator. This is the reason it has been found to be so effective in treating auto-immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and multiple sclerosis. Thirdly, it functions like a fatty acid in that it mediates inflammatory processes. When cooled, cetyl myristoleate is a waxy substance and, at room temperature, has a buttery consistency.

How Was Cetyl Myristoleate Discovered?

Cetyl myristoleate was discovered and isolated by one person, working alone, on a quest to find a cure for arthritis. Harry W. Diehl, while employed by the National Institutes of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, specialized in sugar chemistry. He used his chemical knowledge and research instincts to great advantage, identifying and characterizing over 500 compounds, several of which were patented by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Diehl's interest in discovering a way to help victims of arthritis began over 40 years ago when his friend and neighbor, a carpenter, developed severe rheumatoid arthritis. His condition deteriorated over time until he became disabled. The neighbor had a family to support, but his arthritis made that impossible. Diehl is a deeply religious man whose feelings overwhelmed him as his friend's condition worsened. Harry thought, "Here I am at the National Institutes of Health, and I have never seen anything that was good for curing arthritis."

He decided to establish a laboratory in his home and embark on a search for something to relieve the pain and disability of his neighbor and the millions of people who suffer from arthritis. Unfortunately, he was too late to help the neighbor, but Diehl's research did lead to the discovery of cetyl myristoleate, which may someday be hailed as one of the significant nutritional discoveries of the 20th century.

As a researcher, Diehl knew that finding a cure for arthritis first meant inducing the disease experimentally in research animals. He started with mice, and quickly realized that he was unable to induce arthritis in them. Diehl said he tried every way he could to give those mice arthritis, but they just would not get it. Then he contacted a researcher in California who wrote back to him,

"If you or anyone else can give mice arthritis, I want to know about it, because mice are 100% immune to arthritis."

At that moment, Diehl's research instincts told him that what he wanted was already somewhere in those mice. It was a long, tedious job, working on his own in his spare time, but Diehl finally found the factor --cetyl myristoleate-- that protected mice from arthritis.

As Diehl said,

"It didn't come on a silver platter to me, but after years of chemical sleuthing and just old fashioned chemical cooking, I found it!"

On thin layer chromatography of methylene chloride extract from macerated mice, Diehl noticed a mysterious compound, which was subsequently identified as cetyl myristoleate. As Diehl was to prove, cetyl myristoleate circulates in the blood of mice and makes them immune to arthritis.

Cetyl myristoleate is now known to be found in sperm whale oil and a small gland in the beaver. At this time no other sources in nature are known to contain cetyl myristoleate. While the first amount of cetyl myristoleate for experimentation was extracted from mice, Diehl quickly developed a method for making cetyl myristoleate in the lab by esterification of myristoleic acid.

What is the Chemical Make Up of Cetyl Myristoleate? A New Compound?

Cetyl myristoleate, an oil, is the hexadecyl ester of the unsaturated fatty acid cis-9-tetradecenoic acid. The common name for the acid is myristoleic acid. Myristoleic acid is found commonly in fish oils, whale oils, dairy butter, and kombo butter. The chemical formula for cetyl myristoleate is (Z)-ROCO(CH2)7CH=CH(CH2)3CH3. Cetyl myristoleate was unrecorded in chemical literature until Diehl's discovery was reported. The current Merck Index of Chemicals does not list cetyl myristoleate. A search of Chemical Abstracts lists Diehl's method of extracting cetyl myristoleate from mice but contains no reference to cetyl myristoleate prior to his 1977 patent.

How Did Harry Diehl Test CMO?

To test his theory that mice are immune to arthritis because of cetyl myristoleate, Diehl began to experiment on laboratory rats. This research was reported in an article written in conjunction with one of his colleagues at NIH in the Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. In summary, this paper reports that ten normal mice were injected in the tail with Freund's Adjuvant (heat-killed desiccated Mycobacterium butyricum) to which rats and certain other rodents are susceptible. In a period of 10-20 days, no swelling was detected as determined by comparison of the measurements of paws at the time of injection.

Then, one group of rats was injected with cetyl myristoleate, and 48 hours later, they were given Freund's adjuvant. Another control group of rats received Freund's adjuvant only.  Both groups of rats were observed for a total of 58 days with respect to weight change, hind and front leg swelling, and general well being. All rats receiving only Freund's adjuvant developed severe swelling of the front and hind legs, lagged in weight gain, and was lethargic and morbid. Those receiving cetyl myristoleate before receiving Freund's adjuvant grew an average of 5.7 times as much as the control group and had little if any evidence of swelling or other symptoms of polyarthritis.

The authors concluded that it was apparent that cetyl myristoleate gave virtually complete protection against adjuvant-induced arthritis in rats.

Did Harry Diehl Patent CMO?

Diehl patented his discovery in 1977, receiving a use patent for rheumatoid arthritis. Diehl had made a major nutritional discovery. He then sought pharmaceutical companies to conduct human trials with cetyl myristoleate, but none were interested in his discovery. Perhaps the lack of interest was because cetyl myristoleate was a natural substance and could not be granted a product patent, or maybe because drug companies know they will have to run through 25,000 to 35,000 substances before they find one that makes the market. Diehl had made a major nutritional discovery, and no one was interested! Being a scientist, not a marketing expert, Diehl let his discovery lay dormant for about 15 years.

Cetyl Myristoleate Cures Diehl's Arthritis

As Diehl got older, he began to experience some osteoarthritis in his hand, his knees, and his heels. His family physician tried the usual regimen of coritsone and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs without much effect on the course of the disease. Finally his physician told Harry he could not have any more cortisone. "So," Diehl said "I thought about my discovery, and I decided to make a batch and use it on myself." He did, and successfully cured himself of his osteoarthritis.

Many of his family members and friends became aware of the relief Diehl found from his discovery, and they wanted to try it too. Time after time, people with both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis received astounding relief with cetyl myristoleate. Before long, family members and friends grew into customers, and cetyl myristoleate appeared on the market as a dietary supplement.

Patented Again for Osteoarthritis

As more people tried Harry's cetyl myristoleate and either eliminated their arthritis or received substantial long-term relief, they told others and demand for the product grew. At this point Harry decided to file for a patent for using CM for osteoarthritis. He received the patent in 1996. The patent was assigned to EHP Products, the company owned and led by his daughter, Elaine Diehl Parrish. EHP Products has established a licensing program under the patent and only companies licensed under this patent will be authorized to use the trademark name MyristinTM. This name is an assurance that the product is the true cetyl myristoleate discovered by Harry Diehl, is pure, and of the highest quality available. (Vaughn Marketing is a company licensed under this patent.)

Many of his family members and friends became aware of the relief Diehl found from his discovery, and they wanted to try it too.  Time after time, people with both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis received astounding relief with cetyl myristoleate. Before long, family members and friends grew into customers, and cetyl myristoleate appeared on the market as a dietary supplement.

What Happens When Humans Take CMO?

Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis sufferers report striking improvements with cetyl myristoleate.  Numerous private correspondence describe decreased stiffness and pain and increased flexibility and range of motion with cetyl myristoleate. Swelling and redness is reduced in rheumatoid arthritis.

Writers describe other health benefits, including positive effects of cetyl myristoleate on emphysema, hepatitis, hypertension, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, colds, allergies, low back pain, headaches and more. These reported improvements in general health status are not surprising since each of these conditions could be associated with deficiency in the balance of Essential Fatty Acids.

One writer, Douglas Hunt, M.D., in his book Boom You're Well With Cetyl Myristoleate calls cetyl myristoleate "A New Natural Anti-Aging Disease Fighter".

Like everything else, cetyl myristoleate does not work 100% of the time. Failure to work can be associated with failure to follow the dietary recommendations; failure to use lipase in conjunction with each capsule of cetyl myristoleate; failure to take sufficient amounts of cetyl myristoleate; failure of the liver to uptake and respond to the cetyl myristoleate; and misdiagnosis in which the condition is not really an arthritis-type condition.

How Much & How Long Does One Have To Take CMO To Feel Its Effects?

Eight - 12 grams per Mr. Diehl. Some will usually respond in the first 7 - 21 days.

Cetyl myristoleate is taken in a one-month course. A total dose of 12 - 15 grams appears to be indicated. This is usually enough for most people, but for osteoarthritic sufferers, the dose appears to be related to the number of areas in which cartilage has worn away. For example, a patient with osteoarthritis of the knees could expect 10 to 15 grams to sufficient in most cases, while a patient with osteoarthritis of 5 or 6 spinal discs, both hips and both knees may require an additional 5 to 10 grams, or even a full second course.

Does CMO Have Side Effects?

No negative ones have been observed or noted.

Rather than having negative side effects, CMO appears to have many positive ones! According to many researchers and scientists, doctors using CMO in their practices, along with writers of articles and authors of books on Cetyl Myristoleate, CMO works on many other autoimmune diseases and even has anti-aging properties!

With the hundreds of people who have taken cetyl myristoleate there have been no confirmed reports of adverse side effects. In common with fish oils, it may produce some mild burping in some people which passes within an hour. There have been no reported interactions with other medications or natural substances.

Toxicity studies have been performed on cetyl myristoleate and the lack of toxicity is evident. Test results deemed cetyl myristoleate a non-toxic material in accordance with Federal regulations. Mega-doses were given to test animals with no ill effects. Necropsy of test animals showed no ill effects on the internal organs. The LD50 of cetyl myristoleate was not established, but it can be presumed to far exceed 10 grams per kilogram of body weight.

While teratogenicity of cetyl myristoleate is probably the same as for EFA's, as a safety matter, cetyl myristoleate should not be used by pregnant or lactating women until studies of cetyl myristoleate's effects on fetuses and infants have been done. As with any substance being added to the diet of anyone with asthma or a history of severe allergies, the direct supervision of a health care professional is recommended.

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